Regency Park

Your Local Jim’s Mowing Regency Park offers a range of professional lawn care and garden maintenance services – keeping your garden looking great while you get your weekends back.

Just call 131 546 anytime between 8am – 8pm – 7 days.  Or book online here 24/7.

Jim’s Regency Park offers a same-day gardening and lawn mowing service, including yard clean ups, rubbish removal, gutter cleans and more.   Whether it’s a one-off service, as a back up when you’re on holidays, as a gift for a friend in need, or a regular gardening maintenance service, your local Jim’s Lawn & Gardening Regency Park is here to help.

Expert Gardening Services Regency Park

Our Jim’s Gardening team are fully trained, insured and police checked.

  • Garden Maintenance
  • Lawns Mowed
  • Hedging & Pruning
  • Turf installation
  • Landscape Design
  • Rubbish Removal
  • Gutter Cleans
  • Soil Management
  • Garden Watering & Irrigation solutions

Call on Your Local Jim’s Regency Park

Give us a call on 131 546 and book in a time for us to provide you with a free, no-obligation written quote.  We can tailor lawn mowing and gardening services to suit your specific needs, budgets and time frame.  Or book online now – any time.

Neighbouring Areas Serviced

Aberfoyle Park, Adelaide Airport, Adelaide, Albert Park, Alberton, Aldgate, Aldinga Beach, Aldinga, Allenby Gardens, Andrews Farm, Angas Valley, Angle Park, Angle Vale, Apamurra, Ascot Park, Ashbourne, Ashford, Ashton, Athelstone, Athol Park, Auldana, Avoca Dell, Balhannah, Banksia Park, Basket Range, Beaumont, Bedford Park, Belair, Bellevue Heights, Beulah Park, Beverley, Bibaringa, Biggs Flat, Birdwood, Birkenhead, Black Forest, Blackfellows Creek, Blackwood, Blair Athol West, Blair Athol, Blakeview, Blakiston, Blewitt Springs, Bolivar, Bonython, Bowden, Bowhill, Bradbury, Brahma Lodge, Bridgewater, Brighton, Brinkley, Broadview, Brompton, Brooklyn Park, Brown Hill Creek, Brukunga, Buccleuch, Buchfelde, Buckland Park, Bugle Ranges, Bull Creek, Burdett, Burnside, Burton, Callington, Caloote, Camden Park, Campbelltown, Carey Gully, Castambul, Caurnamont, Cavan, Chain Of Ponds, Chandlers Hill, Chapel Hill, Chapman Bore, Charleston, Cheltenham, Cherry Gardens, Cherryville, Christie Downs, Christies Beach North, Christies Beach, Clapham, Clarence Gardens, Clarence Park, Clarendon, Claypans, Clearview, Cleland, Clovelly Park, College Park, Collinswood, Colonel Light Gardens, Concordia, Coolcha, Coromandel East, Coromandel Valley, Cowandilla, Cowirra, Crafers West, Crafers, Craigburn Farm, Craigmore, Cromer, Croydon Park South, Croydon Park, Croydon, Cudlee Creek, Cumberland Park, Darlington, Davoren Park, Daw Park, Dawesley, Dernancourt, Devon Park, Dingabledinga, Direk, Dorset Vale, Dover Gardens, Dry Creek, Dudley Park, Dulwich, Eastwood, Echunga, Eden Hills, Eden Valley, Edinburgh, Edwardstown, Elizabeth Downs, Elizabeth East, Elizabeth Grove, Elizabeth North, Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth South, Elizabeth Vale, Elizabeth West, Elizabeth, Enfield, Erindale, Ethelton, Ettrick, Evandale, Evanston Gardens, Evanston Park, Evanston South, Evanston, Everard Park, Exeter, Fairview Park, Felixstow, Ferryden Park, Findon, Firle, Fitzroy, Flagstaff Hill, Flaxley, Flinders Park, Flinders University, Forestville, Forreston, Forster, Fountain Valley, Frewville, Fulham Gardens, Fulham, Fullarton, Gawler Belt, Gawler East, Gawler River, Gawler South, Gawler West, Gawler, Gepps Cross, Gifford Hill, Gilberton, Gilles Plains, Gillman, Glandore, Glanville, Glen Osmond, Glenalta, Glenelg East, Glenelg North, Glenelg South, Glenelg, Glengowrie, Glenside, Glenunga, Globe Derby Park, Glynde, Golden Grove, Goodwood, Gould Creek, Grange, Green Fields, Greenacres, Greenbanks, Greenhill, Greenwith, Gulfview Heights, Gumeracha, Hackham West, Hackham, Hackney, Hahndorf, Hallett Cove, Hampstead Gardens, Happy Valley, Harrogate, Hawthorn, Hawthorndene, Hay Valley, Hazelwood Park, Heathfield, Heathpool, Hectorville, Hendon, Henley Beach South, Henley Beach, Hewett, Highbury, Highgate, Hillbank, Hillcrest, Hillier, Hilton, Hindmarsh, Holden Hill, Hope Forest, Hope Valley, Horsnell Gully, Hove, Humbug Scrub, Huntfield Heights, Hyde Park, Ingle Farm, Inverbrackie, Ironbank, Joslin, Jupiter Creek, Kalbeeba, Kangarilla, Kangaroo Flat, Kanmantoo, Karrara, Kensington Gardens, Kensington Park, Kensington, Kent Town, Kenton Valley, Kersbrook, Keswick Terminal, Keswick, Kidman Park, Kilburn North, Kilburn, Kilkenny, Kings Park, Kingsford, Kingston Park, Kingswood, Klemzig, Kudla, Kuitpo Colony, Kurralta Park, Kyeema, Landcross Farm, Largs Bay, Largs North, Leabrook, Lenswood, Linden Park, Littlehampton, Lobethal, Lockleys, Long Flat, Longwood, Lonsdale, Lower Mitcham, Lynton, Macclesfield, Macdonald Park, Magill North, Magill South, Magill, Malvern, Manningham, Mannum, Mansfield Park, Marble Hill, Marden, Marino, Marion, Marleston, Marryatville, Maslin Beach, Mawson Lakes, Maylands, Mcharg Creek, Mclaren Flat, Mclaren Vale, Meadows, Medindie Gardens, Medindie, Melrose Park, Mile End South, Mile End, Milendella, Millswood, Mitcham, Mitchell Park, Moana, Mobilong, Modbury Heights, Modbury North, Modbury, Monarto South, Monarto, Montacute, Montarra, Monteith, Morphett Vale, Morphettville, Mount Barker Junction, Mount Barker Springs, Mount Barker Summit, Mount Barker, Mount George, Mount Hurtle, Mount Lofty, Mount Osmond, Mount Pleasant, Mount Torrens, Munno Para Downs, Munno Para West, Munno Para, Murrawong, Murray Bridge East, Murray Bridge North, Murray Bridge South, Murray Bridge, Mylor, Mypolonga, Myrtle Bank, Nailsworth, Nairne, Netherby, Netley, Newton, Nildottie, Noarlunga Centre, Noarlunga Downs, North Adelaide, North Brighton, North Haven, Northern Heights, Northfield, Northgate, Norton Summit, Norwood South, Norwood, Novar Gardens, Oakbank, Oakden, Oaklands Park, Old Noarlunga, Old Reynella, One Tree Hill, Onkaparinga Hills, Osborne, Ottoway, Outer Harbor, Ovingham, Pages Flat, Pallamana, Palmer, Panorama, Para Hills West, Para Hills, Para Vista, Paracombe, Paradise, Parafield Airport, Parafield Gardens, Parafield, Paralowie, Park Holme, Parkside, Pasadena, Payneham South, Payneham, Pedler Creek, Pellaring Flat, Penfield Gardens, Penfield, Pennington, Peterhead, Petwood, Piccadilly, Plympton Park, Plympton, Pompoota, Ponde, Pooraka, Port Adelaide, Port Mannum, Port Noarlunga South, Port Noarlunga, Port Stanvac, Port Willunga, Prospect East, Prospect Hill, Prospect West, Prospect, Punthari, Purnong Landing, Purnong, Queenstown, Redwood Park, Regency Park, Renown Park, Reynella East, Reynella, Richmond, Ridgehaven, Ridleyton, Riverglades, Riverglen, Rockleigh, Rocky Gully, Rose Park, Rosewater East, Rosewater, Rosslyn Park, Rostrevor, Royal Park, Royston Park, Salisbury Downs, Salisbury East, Salisbury Heights, Salisbury North, Salisbury Park, Salisbury Plain, Salisbury South, Salisbury, Sampson Flat, Sanderston, Scott Creek, Seacliff Park, Seacliff, Seacombe Gardens, Seacombe Heights, Seaford Heights, Seaford Meadows, Seaford Rise, Seaford, Seaton North, Seaton, Seaview Downs, Sefton Park, Sellicks Beach, Sellicks Hill, Semaphore Park, Semaphore South, Semaphore, Sheidow Park, Silver Sands, Skye, Smithfield Plains, Smithfield West, Smithfield, Somerton Park, South Brighton, Springfield, Springton, St Agnes, St Georges, St Kilda, St Marys, St Morris, St Peters, Stepney, Stirling, Stonyfell, Sturt, Summertown, Sunnyside, Surrey Downs, Swanport, Taperoo, Tatachilla, Taunton, Tea Tree Gully, Teal Flat, Tennyson, Tepko, Teringie, The Levels, The Point, The Range, Thebarton, Thorngate, Toora, Toorak Gardens, Torrens Park, Torrensville Plaza, Torrensville, Totness, Tranmere North, Tranmere, Trinity Gardens, Trott Park, Tungkillo, Tusmore, Uleybury, Underdale, Unley Park, Unley, Upper Sturt, Uraidla, Urrbrae, Vale Park, Valley View, Verdun, Virginia, Vista, Walker Flat, Walkerville, Walkley Heights, Wall, Ward Belt, Warradale North, Warradale, Waterfall Gully, Waterloo Corner, Wattle Park, Wayville, Welland, West Beach, West Croydon, West Lakes Shore, West Lakes, West Richmond, Westbourne Park, White Hill, White Sands, Whites Valley, Willaston, Willow Banks, Willunga Hill, Willunga South, Willunga, Windsor Gardens, Wingfield, Wistow, Wongulla, Woodcroft, Woodend, Woodforde, Woodlane, Woodlea, Woods Point, Woodside, Woodville Park, Woodville South, Woodville West, Woodville, Wynn Vale, Yatala Vale, Yattalunga, Younghusband, Yundi