Lawn Care

Finding a four leaf clover might bring good luck, but having a lawn full of it might leave you feeling less than lucky. What some people love about clover is exactly what others hate, and unfortunately, the fast growing three-leafed legume can quickly overtake a yard. At Jim’s Mowing, our customers have a wide variety […]

Gardens with lots of shade can be fantastic to have in the hot summer months, giving you shady spots to retreat from the harsh summer heat, and protecting your lawn from the sun. Too much shade, however, can cause issues for many types of lawns, so it’s important to choose a grass species that can […]

You might have fallen in love with the idea of having buffalo grass growing in your garden, but are looking for a cheaper alternative to turf. So, can you grow buffalo grass from seed? The answer is technically yes… but it can be a little tricky and tedious to do so (and you’re probably better off using turf!) […]

A healthy lawn sets the scene for a blossoming garden, so keeping it free from weeds is essential in maintaining the overall aesthetic of your yard. As spring approaches, now is the perfect time to get to work on preparing your space for this year’s blooms, and removing paspalum from your lawn is a great […]

Keeping your lawn in top condition requires ongoing maintenance, which includes protecting it from ravenous pests like the armyworm. Unlike the harmless earthworm, armyworms are destructive insects that can quickly deteriorate a lawn if left unchecked. If you fear these bugs may have taken up residence in your yard, or you want to prevent them […]

A healthy garden starts at the root, so looking after your lawn is paramount to growing a garden that will thrive. Two of the most basic ways to care for your lawn are weeding and feeding, and timing can make all the difference in these tasks’ effectiveness. If your yard looks a little sad at […]

A picture perfect garden starts from the ground up, and proper lawn mowing is a key step in achieving an envy-worthy yard. Many homeowners jump ahead a few steps, breezing over lawn care and honing in on flower beds and shrubbery. This is a fatal error in gardening, as perfecting the base of your yard […]

As spring is well-underway and the temperatures slowly creep up, it’s time to begin thinking about how you can help protect your lawn from heat damage in the summer. The strong Australian sun can transform the greenest lawn into an unfortunate patch of brown if it is not properly protected! At Jim’s Mowing, we’re experts […]

If you’re new to gardening and lawn care, you may not have heard of ‘coring’ before, or understand how coring helps to keep lawns healthy. If you’re serious about growing a lush, healthy lawn, then coring is an essential step on your lawn maintenance checklist. As the experts of garden and lawn care, at Jim’s […]

If you’re in the process of preparing your garden for the spring, you’ll likely come across the term ‘lawn dethatching’. It’s never a bad time to tackle lawn dethatching, but spring is a common season to help generate some more growth and ensure your lawn is ready for the hotter months. But what exactly is […]