Pool Friendly Plants in Australia

Pool Friendly Plants in Australia 

Those with a pool in their garden may be looking to incorporate some poolside plants into the area. There are lots of different pool friendly plants in Australia to choose from, including native plants, trees, and ground covers. Poolside plants can help bring colour to the space, and the right kinds may even attract bees, butterflies, and other lovely animals to your garden. Below are some plants for around pools. 

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a classic succulent plant to place around a pool area. With long, pointed, and slightly spiky leaves that turn green when watered, aloe vera can look great positioned along a pool fence or even placed in pots around the space. It is a very forgiving plant that can go without water for extended amounts of time, making it great for areas that experience drought conditions during the summer and those who forget to water their plants from time to time. The plant leaves can also be broken off, and the gel within used to provide topical relief for sunburn or cuts. 

Banana Tree

If you’re wondering what you can plant around your pool fence, you might like to consider the banana tree. With beautifully large, dark-green leaves, this plant is ideal for bringing tropical vibes to your pool area. These plants can grow pretty tall, with many varieties growing to between two and four metres, so keep this in mind when choosing the position of your tree. Another feature that makes banana trees great for pool areas is their love of full sun! Just keep in mind that these plants don’t love the wind, so they should be protected from this accordingly.

Agave Attenuata

Looking for plants to add to your poolside succulent collection? The agave attenuata could be just what you need! These wonderful big succulents can be placed in pots around your pool or directly into the ground as a border plant. The agave attenuata will often begin creating pups, which allows you to have a great big collection of the succulent in your garden or give some spares to friends and family. This plant is another that can cope without frequent watering and enjoys both full sun and partial shade positions.


Bring a pop of bright colour to your pool area with the gorgeous bougainvillea. These plants love to grow up walls, so place them next to a fence with lattice and train them to grow along it for fantastic coverage! Bougainvillea flower varieties are available in a range of different colours including shades of red, pink, purple, orange, and white. This vine is perfect for Australian pool areas due to its drought tolerance. The plant has dainty, delicate flowers that are sometimes referred to as “paper flowers” due to their papery feel. 

Bird of Paradise

Another great plant for Australian pool gardens is the classic bird of paradise. With stunning blue and orange flowers and dark green tropical leaves, the bird of paradise plant makes for a beautiful addition to a pool area. These plants can be positioned along a fence line or placed into pots around the area. The bird of paradise is another hardy plant that is great if you don’t have too much of a green thumb and want something a little low maintenance for your pool garden. These plants only grow to a little over a metre tall, so they can be grown along a fence for a mid-height option.

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