You might have seen a neighbour’s gorgeous roses flowering and dreamed of having the same in your own garden. Although roses tend to be a bit trickier to grow from cuttings than some other plants, that doesn’t mean you need to throw out your dreams of growing roses from cuttings!
Today, we take a look at the steps you can take to start growing roses from cuttings, plus some tips for taking care of your new rose bush!
It’s currently springtime, which is a great time to begin your planting journey! Taking a rose cutting during the spring means plenty of new growth.
If you have a friendly neighbour or co-worker who you know grows roses, try politely asking if they would be able to cut you off a stem or two from their rose bush. Alternatively, ask friends and family if they’d be willing to spare a bit of their plant to help kickstart your rose-growing adventure! Once you have found someone who is happy to part with a bit of their plant, ask them to cut off about 30cm of stem, preferably without flowers. When it comes to choosing a cutting section, a fresher shoot is preferable.
With a cutting, we want to be letting the new plant divert as much energy and attention into growing roots and thriving. Leaves can make a plant expend energy, needlessly. If you like, you can keep a couple of leaves towards the top of the cutting.
Give the bottom of the cutting a fresh trim, below a node. You can also slice vertically into this new cut to help with the planting. These vertical slices should be around half a centimetre in length.
This step is optional, but if you’re looking to give your cutting an extra boost, consider using either a rooting hormone gel or honey to lend it a helping hand.
After all the preparation, it’s time to plant your cutting! Poke a small hole into a pot of soil and then gently place your cutting into it. Press the dirt around it down, and then water. Ideally, you should choose a potting mix that is made for roses.
Growing rose cuttings should be placed in a spot that gets plenty of filtered light. Make sure they’re not being overshadowed by larger plants.
Keep a watchful eye on your rose cutting, and remember to water it regularly. To test whether roots have begun to sprout, check to see if any new leaves have started to grow. Another way to gauge if your cutting is taking is to very gently tug on the stem. If you are met with resistance then it generally means your cuttings are growing roots!
Growing roses from cuttings can be a little finicky at times. Even with the best of intentions and efforts, sometimes rose cuttings can fail. If this is the case, try not to get too disgruntled. Give growing roses from stems another attempt, and don’t beat yourself up! If you’re finding that your rose cuttings are repeatedly dying, maybe instead try with an easier-to-grow cutting. Once you’ve had success with a simpler plant, give roses another go!
If you’ve had success with your rose cuttings, and they’ve sprouted roots, then it’s time to replant your roses into a larger pot or directly into the ground. Make sure wherever they’re placed gets plenty of sunshine, and water them regularly.
Once your rose cutting has sprouted roots and been replanted, there are a few care tips to keep in mind to help keep them happy. Don’t be discouraged if the plant doesn’t flower straight away, it often takes a few years for new plants to begin producing flowers. Here are some tips for taking care of your roses:
Roses tend to react very well to fertiliser. Fertilising roses can help them produce many wonderful flowers to brighten up your garden. Find a fertiliser that is formulated for rose bushes, and apply regularly for best results.
Pruning roses can also help to promote more flowers and growth. For most roses, pruning in winter is best as it encourages more growth in the spring. However, for roses that only have flowers during late winter and early spring, pruning should be done in late spring or early summer. There are many tutorials online that specifically focus on pruning roses. If you are new to rose bushes and wish to prune them, be sure to do plenty of research before beginning.
Growing roses from cuttings can be a little tricky for beginner gardeners, but don’t let the possibility of failure stop you from giving it a go! The process of growing any plant from cuttings can be incredibly rewarding. Be diligent with your rose cutting care. Choose a fresher piece of the stem as a cutting, remove the majority of the leaves, prepare the stem, and gently plant it.
There are many different roses that you can choose from, from unscented to scented, and in a large array of colours. Good luck on your rose propagation journey, and we hope it brings many beautiful flowers!
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