How to Remove Garden Rubbish The Easy Way

So you’re done cleaning all those leaves, twigs, and tree branches from your yard. What to do with them next? You may simply put them in a bag and bring them to your council’s green waste collection or household waste recycling centre. Or perhaps you can arrange for waste collection and pay for the service charge.

However, waste management is very vital for every property owner. And when it comes to garden rubbish, proper removal and disposal is as important as recycling them. While there are garden rubbish removal services near you, it greatly saves time, money and effort when you do your part in reducing your waste as well as properly sorting and disposing them.

For example, when you mow your lawn, allow some of the clippings to fall onto the lawn so that the nutrients can go back to your garden. And then you can put the other grass clippings straight into the compost bins.

What are other simple and easy ways for disposing of garden rubbish at home?

Sort your rubbish correctly.

Proper removal starts with proper segregation. Teach your household what goes where. Make use of your green bins by putting only what should go in there. Green waste includes garden rubbish like grass clippings and leaves, pruned garden waste, twigs and small branches. Food waste from the kitchen such as meat and fish, pasta, bread and rice, fruit and vegetable scraps also go in the green bins. Other organic materials must also go in there and may also include shredded paper or soiled paper and cardboard like pizza boxes and also paper towels.

Treated timber, large amounts of soil, and plastic bags or plant pots must be separated.

Put them properly in their respective bins.

Another way to make rubbish removal easy is to properly place them inside the bins. Collect kitchen scraps using compostable liners from the Council before throwing them inside the bin. If liners are not available, newspapers will do. The same applies with fruit and vegetable scraps. Wrap them before placing in the bin. It also helps to arrange and layer them with other garden rubbish like grass clippings or leaves.

Reduce and reuse garden materials through composting.

Home composting is not just favorable for your lawn and garden. It also saves you money on fertiliser purchases and bulky waste collection charges.

The Australian government supports home composting and thus provides compost bins at a subsidised rate. You can collect all garden rubbish in there as well as household rubbish. The following year, it will be a valuable resource for your garden.

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