We’ve seen it too many times, beautiful flowers trying to grow and pesky weeds coming a long and destroying the beauty with their uncontrollable hunger for destruction. Luckily, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on weed control. These are 7 household products you can use to kill or control weeds in your garden.
Call Jim’s Mowing on 131 546 for all of your gardening needs or simply book online for a free, no-obligation quote!
Whether enjoyed in a risotto, grilled on the barbecue, or added to a stir fry, mushrooms are incredibly versatile when it comes to cooking and are a great addition to your edible garden! As expert gardeners, we are big fans of growing mushrooms! In this guide, we explain the benefits of growing your own mushrooms […]
Whether it’s a few days up the coast or a few weeks overseas, it can be important to consider what will happen to your garden while you’re away on holiday. If you have lots of plants, flowers and veggies growing, one of the most important points to consider is how to ensure they are given […]
You might have fallen in love with the idea of having buffalo grass growing in your garden, but are looking for a cheaper alternative to turf. So, can you grow buffalo grass from seed? The answer is technically yes… but it can be a little tricky and tedious to do so (and you’re probably better off using turf!) […]
It doesn’t matter what kind of house and space you have, it’s possible for you to grow your own fresh and yummy produce. In creating a kitchen garden, you need to first figure out what kind of garden bed you’re dealing with. Is it an existing one, a raised one, or a no-dig one? The […]